What are your reefkeeping goals?


Reef enthusiast
I always find it very interesting to hear what peoples goals for their reef are.

My personal long term goal is for my 180 to be dominated by between two and five large SPS colonies. Of course in the mean time I will be keeping a variety of coral types and colonies, but as one coral or another grows larger I will be removing the colonies around it to allow for added growth.

So what I want to know is this. What are your goals.

This will also be a good thinking exercise and learning tool. Actually think about what your long term goals are. Having a pretty tank or a healthy system is all fine and good but I want to know what your direction is.
I would love to have some sps, Just montipora. i want a couple large montis and then mostly LPS euphyllia, brains, my favorite coral is dendros. I will have them. maybe ill go rob melonbob :mrgreen: other than that mushrooms and ricordias. I will always have an angel and a tang. and other misc fish


sps tank. clams ...... the rest i cant talk about till it happens.
My goal is to turn some small SPS frags into awesome colonies, much akin to cccapt's monstrous monti cap. Also, I want to grow frags of my own for trade to other hobbyists. I have made a dramatic change in this hobby from a 10-gal freshwater to 55 gal fresh to 100 gal fresh, convert the 55g to my first saltwater reef, then start the 110g I currently have. Who knows where I'll be in another 3 years? Ultimately, I'd love to have an SPS dominated 240 with big clams and big tangs which I currently cannot have with a 4' long tank.
My goal is to make it a whole year without anything dying. After that introducing my first corals and maintaining a piece of the ocean in my house. I to have come a long way from my first ever fish tank 20L saltwater with 1 blue tang and 1 clownfish to a 90L Saltwater with 2 clownfish 1 blue tang couple sand sifter gobys and turbo snails, to a 300L which i have today. I love learning new things everyday with this hobby, and there is always something you can do with it, never boring.
Also my goal is to make the mrs happy by buying the fish that she wants over what i want.
We have the same goal Yote! I dream of one of those 5000 gallon jobbies to help achieve the depth of the real reef. Until then, my short-term goal is to fill this darn tank with water.
First, upgrade up 45g to a 125g FOWLR, and create a larger sump.
Then take my 20g sump, rip out the baffles, and move the 10g inhabitants into it. It will be a small reef tank.
Then take the 10g, and turn it into a frag tank cuz since I saw those fragging videos, I really want to try my hand at it. I've got one good sized mushroom now.

Good thread, RyanG. It did make me think what I want to do :)
My goal is a pleasing to the eye mixed reef with a bunch color both from corals and fish but more focused on the corals. I hate going to the LFS and seeing tanks full of beige colored coral.
My goal is to have success in this wonderful hobby, im a newbie so everything is really overwhelming rightnow but the whole reason i started this hobby was to own a little piece of the ocean because of its beauty.
I find everything in the ocean beautiful, brown or bright dont matter. If i can keep a healthy natural ecosystem, im happy. Being able to see my livestock be themselves and act the same in my tank as they would in the wild. My long term goal is to give my fish friends a place they can call home.
20 yrs ago my goal was to learn what it takes to run a successful reef and not lose interest. I haven't lost interest yet, and even tho I have my methods for doing things pretty much down to a science, I'm still learning what it takes to run a successful reef. ;)
My goal is to sell off my damn 240+sump+fuge already so I can go back to a simpler time, when a 10% water change didn't mean changing 35 gallons and my electric bill wasn't $400 to $500 a month...
