What are these??


Reefing newb
So I looked in my sump and coming out of my chaeto are these skinny white things and they are a few inches long coming out and going back in seem to be moving WTF are they? No they aren't pods theay are long skinny white with heads that are a bit bigger never saw them b4. Will post pics tomorrow evening if I don't know:chair: by then. They are weird crawling out of my chaeto.
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just googled tube worms and they are all white with no red tips so??? Then bristle worms maybe, but they all look different. If thats what they are should I kill them and if so how? I currently don't have any coral, but was playing with the idea of something to add some color if thats possible with the new addition of a stars and sripes puffer. With a zebra eel, sfe, volitan lion, lunare wrasse, leaf lip grouper. So I guess im askin a couple questions. Thanks in advance
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