What are the benifits to a calcium reactor?


It wasn't me!
I'm thinking of adding a calcium reactor to my system. What are the benifits? Is it worth it? Any advice is appreciated.
If you have a high calcium/alk demand system, which pretty much means you have lots of SPS, then the reactor supplements the calcium and alk that's consumed by the corals.Some people love them because they eliminate the need for dosing, but lots of others tried them and went back to dosing calcium and alk seperately. They do take some adjusting. You need a controller to handle turning the co2 off/on and you need to do alot of testing to dial in the reactor. Too little co2 and not enough media is dissolving to keep up with demand, or too much co2 and your alk shoots up and kills your corals.

I perfer the manual DIY 2 part dosing.
I never looked into it too deeply, but the little bit I did seemed to show some hassles like ccCapt described. Enough to make me decide to get some BRS dosing pumps and their 2 Part kit. That's my next project i think.
I have been dosing with B-Ionic for quite a long time. Was just wondering if having a calcium reactor would be of any benifit to me. Maybe I'll just stick with my manual doing, it's not that big of a deal to me. Thanks for your input ccCapt.
I looked also at the B-Ionic 2 part dosing system with pumps. Kinda takes the whole hands on approach away it seems. Unless I'm gone for any extended period of time, I don't see a need for it, at least not right now.