What a disaster!

yeah. nems are tricky like that. leave him be and let it runs its course.

yeah it'll move around if its not happy w/o direct light. Maybe its like when a cat gets sick, it hides for a few days and sleeps?
getting back to what you said about the starfish arm growing into another starfish...I just found HALF an arm of the starfish and it's moving around!! Now the starfish lost its arm about 2 weeks ago, but there is none of the center disc on this creepy looking arm crawling around, so it cant be eating....what do i do with it? it's gonna die I would assume...
Heres a pic

Surface skimming is typically the best method for feeding filters, skimmers and refugiums. If you have ever noticed the film on the surface of a tanks water it is chiefly made up of dissolved organic compounds. This is one of the primary things you want to remove from your tank. If your circulation is strong enough and spread out about your tank most solid "stuff" will be kept in suspension and can easily be drawn off by a surface skimmer along with the dissolved organic compounds. Surface skimmers are usually considered anemone friendly. Just about any skimmer in use is better than no skimmer being used. To most people they are pretty worthless in a box. Now gold bars!!!! Nems are like beautiful women. Beautiful to look at but hard to maintain. And co dependant to boot! Give the arm a chance.
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I had a condy like your's that moved around all the time. It finally found the slimmest of spots on a powerhead and was " blended up" over nite. I awoke to a cloudy tank and bits of anemone everywhere... I covered all possible problem areas with filterfloss and zip ties. you'd just have to keep up cleaning or replacing them. I have a rose anemone now thats found a niche and has never moved , but i'm leary of removing all the covers..
I had a condy like your's that moved around all the time. It finally found the slimmest of spots on a powerhead and was " blended up" over nite. I awoke to a cloudy tank and bits of anemone everywhere... I covered all possible problem areas with filterfloss and zip ties. you'd just have to keep up cleaning or replacing them. I have a rose anemone now thats found a niche and has never moved , but i'm leary of removing all the covers..

nems can be risky like that. there is no chance of that happening with a nice LPS coral. I have found that if the water quality is good, the tank is mature enough, and lighting adequate, they only move for a day or so. If they are heading upwards toward the light, it could be that they need stronger lighting to be happy
