wet/dry filter

Basically a wet/dry is a sump that uses bioballs as the filter media. The bioballs aren't submerged, water is trickled over them (a wet/dry is also known as a trickle filter). A sump is just a tank under your display which can be used to hide your pumps, heaters, filter media, etc. and adds water volume to the system.
I think yote uses this type. He will have all the + and - on them.

Yep.Same brand too,only mines a couple of steps bigger.
The biggest thing with a wet/dry is maintance.You got to be anal about keeping the media rinsed out.But thats really not that big a problem.I just pull the dirty pad out and put a clean one in.Then rinse the dirty one out good and hang it up to dry.I got 7 or 8 of the pads hanging on the side of a bucket under the stand.
They also dont really add that much more water volume.And the skimmers that come with em,really aint the best in the world,but they will work for lightly stocked tanks.