Water Tests

Morning everyone.

I test my own water at least weekly but I only test Amonia, PH, Nitrates, Nitrites, and Salinity. I'm starting to add some soft coral (Green Star, Duncan...), my question is should I be testing something else in addition to what I am already testing? I know I will have to get another test kit or something but I don't want to buy if I don't need to test it.

Thanks and happy Friday!!!

You need to test for mag. Your corals will not take up cal. If mag is too low. Ie dead coral and a spike in ammonia. Make sure you test for everything, or theres no point in testing for anything. Good luck
If you dont plan on heavily stocking your tank with corals and you are good about keeping up with water changes, you can skip the mag test and maybe even calcium. I would for sure be checking alkalinity though, and I only test for phosphate if I am having an algae bloom of some sort.