

Reefing newb
Just wondering what eveyone uses to feed their fish while they are on vacation? I have someone coming to the house once a week for the corals and water quality but my fish are used to being fed once a day. I have an automatic fish feeder that waaaaay overfeeds and twice a day! I refuse to use it. Are the fish cubes a good idea? I have four very small chromis, a large goby, and a yellow tang... along with various snails and 2 sally lightfoots. Any advice would be much appreciated. I will be gone for 3 weeks. Thanks
I believe that is what most people do. They have someone come over and feed them. I don't think there is saltwater fish food that can be put into a tank and left to feed for a length of time. I know they make it for freshwater, but not saltwater. Sorry I was no help. :)
Good Luck!!
I had a friend come over once a day, but we also have lots of other pets that need to be fed daily, so it wasn't just for the fish.
LMAO I dont know about your neighbors kids but I would'nt trust mine. They would sell them or use them for bait. LOL Thats why I have my day do it.
Of course have the neighbors supervise there kids. All there doing is feeding them once every other day. If you set up the correct amount of food in plastic bads and label the day of the week on them with a sharpie its pretty fool proof. Not to mention it helps teach responsibility. They already have timers for the light (i assume) and there having someone come over once a week to check water perimeters so whats the problem?
I have my dad come over to feed the fish and turn on and off my lights.
yeah that works great as long as your old man doesnt fall asleep and leave your lights on constantly right bobby? didnt you say something like that was going on with you.

Oh and i just had my roommate handle everything. thats one thing they are good for :mrgreen:
I dont think he did, it has been a long time since I have left town.

Hawk I meant mine. Their very irresponsible and so are their parents. Everything would be dead or gone.
thats easy....when going on vacation i leave my wife at home..that way i enjoy A REAL VACATION...;-)..upss..gotta run now...
You guys only feed 1 time a day , my Lion fish would Disown me if he only ate 1 time a day i feed mine 2 smaller doses a day

Morning its Krill and Spirulina Brine shrimp FROZEN
( my sister in law works for the Distribution center for the frozen food place i get it Free ! )

Evening they get Flakes for the lil guys and freese dried plankton for the Lion Oh and hes hand fed that
I think they make feeding blocks for saltwater fish.They slowly dissolves over days/a week and release food as they dissolve.I always had friends to do it for me.Redline you say ''flawless victory'' but if I leave the wife and go on vacation it would be ''fatality'' for the fish.
lionfish might have different priorities as far as feedings go. I wouldnt know since I have never had one, but I found that once a day with my fish was better. It gave my lavender tang more time to scavenge around and really do the job I hired him for :)
Its just some ''friendship'' conversation redline.Don't get me talkin' gaming,I'll really geek out.Time to go back to Crackdown on the 360.
Im a gamer as well, infact its time to hit Battlefield 2142 now

I'll Try to cut the feedings down to see what happens ( hell maby the algae will go away aswell. Im leaving town for 3 days on monday i plan on my mother inlaw feeding the Fish . the paramaters will be checked when I leave that way she will only have to thaw 2 cubes and toss them in !
let us know how it goes.

across the room my roommate is rockin rainbow six vegas on our 92 inch projector scren we got games!