uv or not uv?

i've got crabs

Reefing newb
im thinking of adding a uv light and just want to know peoples opinions on them good and bad. Im thinking its a sure way to kill pretty much everything that passes it including all the good stuff, which dose not seem like a good idea.
Reduces micro-algae
Lessons Ich outbreaks especially if you keep sickly fish like tangs

Kills everything that passes it including fauna.

For me,the bad outweighs the good.I need the fauna to survive the trip back to the display from the refugium(at least some of it) for the fishes including a mandarin and to feed the corals and other life that lives in the rocks and sand.Proper QT will prevent disease outbreaks and UV really don't prevent that just reduces some of them.
I don't use a UV. I think it can do more harm than good in a reef tank, where you have so many animals that depend on things in the water as their food.
with my experience only the acetic white/blue work well especially with Coraline algae i have a UV and a t5 Coralife bulb and it works awsome