

Team Liquid Force
I added a few new animals to the aquarium as well as some more liverock, and did a little aquascaping. I got a small Blue Tang and a Cleaner shrimp. The blue tang was the runt of the litter but that will be perfect for my 55 concidering he won't get that big. I just acclimated him tonight, and he is doing awesome, very active and isn't shy at all. I'm am going to feed him pretty soon. My Metal Halide/power compact/lunar LED fixture should be here next week, I can't wait. Anyways I am pretty excited with the progress I have made. What do you think of my live rock setup? I am open to comments and suggestions. I am trying to plan everything out the best I can, so there are good spots on the live rock to place corals.


Your rock work look great so does the rest of the tank.

That hippo tang will out grow your tank and get stressed when he gets too big, and tangs are prone to getting ick so when stressed I would count on him to get sick. They can reach up to 1 foot long and need alot of room to swim. The min tank size for them is 75 but I wouldnt put one i anything less than 125. If you have to have a tang get a yellow they recomend min tank as 55 but I aslo would give thema litte bigger tank. Tangs are very fast swimmer and they are grazers so they need plenty of room to move and swim fast. IMHO you and the tang would be better off if you take it back to the store and trade it in on something that doesnt get that big. Here is a link that talks about them, please read it and give it some thought.Blue Hippo or Regal Tang
Like I said in my post, he is a smaller that average tang. My buddy who owns the fish store that I bought him from, said he won't grow to more that 5inches. But for some reason that he would grow too big, I can take him back. We'll see.
Your tank looks great -

however -that blue tang will get much, much larger. He might be small now - but he will get larger than your tank can handle. I had a Hippo Tang previously and it's amazing how quickly they grow. They get much larger than 5" - but the true problem with them (which I didn't learn about until after I had mine) is the amount of space that they need to truly thrive. They are more of an 'open water' fish and need a tank that will alow them room to swim.

Granted - I kept one for a few years in my 46.. so who am I to say anything :) Just watch out!
We will see about the tang. I understand where you guys are comming from, when and IF he gets too big, I will take him back to the store for credit. My buddy is the one who owns the fish store that I buy from so he is has no problem with swapping out fish.

Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for the compliments guys. For some reason I have struggled with getting my rock do look decent, but I guess all of my hard work paid off.
add a couple cleaner shrimp and gobies. feed seaweed select every day on a plastic paper clip and trout fishing line dangle in area of tank where fish can see. the cleaners will control the ick naturally.