Update on my 28g fowlr

Updated once again, 20 pounds of arag alive aragonite sand is the only difference.


also, as far as calcium supplements go, whats the best? with all that coralline my calcium level is running low. any suggestions?
Wow..... tank looks sweet! Much better pool, plenty of room for the fish to swim and hide. I love the aqua-scaping. If those turbos don't take care of the rest of that hair algae a sea hare will do nicely.
When it Calcium I use Red Sea Calcium +3. it contains trace elements strontium & molybdenum plus it has Iodine supplements as well. But be careful the stuff is strong and does not need to be used as often as the bottle suggests.
looks just like my sand :) I have been using caribsea aragaMILK I have seen huge results. within 3 months I'm having corraline spots carry over to lavarock that was added in there.
It looks much better pool.I haven't use calcium supplements yet on my current system but have use Kent products in the past.....partically Kent's turbo calcium.
I've not had to add calcium since I switched to Oceanic salt.But when I used IO I supplimented with the Kent Turbo Calcium.
The aqua-scaping looks great.
The recipe calls for either dow flakes or driveway heat. For me the dow flakes were impossable to find, but the driveway heat was readily availible during winter time at any autozone, and some walmarts. The mix is 2 cups driveway heat to 1 gal of ro water; shake, and thats it. There is a calculater to go by and I will post that link and also a couple more. You can do the 2 part recipe, but I havn't tried the others yet, just the calcium. Here is the link to the chemist who came up with it. You can read it all or just scroll down to the pick of dow flakes, and it will explane it.An Improved Do-it-Yourself Two-Part Calcium and Alkalinity Supplement System by Randy Holmes-Farley - Reefkeeping.com
Here is a link to all kinds of DIY things, and the two part is one of them Just look to the right at all the tabs and you will find it.
Reef Videos
And the most important part, the calculater that will give you the correct amount to add, after you put in the level of calcium, and volume of the tank.
Reef Chemistry Calculator
One last thing to add. If you use this please make sure you mark the jugs so you dont add too much on accident. I made the mistake of not marking it, and had my calcium at 800 on the kit and I think it was well over 1000 PPM, but I did massive water changes and got the calcium down to 500 and nothing was harmed, but still scary.
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