Type of anemone


The Fish Guy
Hey guys quick question what type of anemone do clown fish reside with I have 2 60 watt bulbs in 30 gallon and something that is not difficult maintenance
Hey guys quick question what type of anemone do clown fish reside with I have 2 60 watt bulbs in 30 gallon and something that is not difficult maintenance

Anemones are one of the hardest to keep. You need proper lights (yours is at the bare minimum for anems) and a mature tank. If your tank is anything below a year old, i would wait.

Clowns will host a variety of different anemones but keep in mind that they dont need one to live a full and happy life. So if you have clowns now but no anemone, i wouldnt worry about it.

What type of lights do you have and how old is your tank?
I agree,, When ready , I have found that a simple bulb anemone is very hardy and my clown loved it right away... Put it in the tank after the tank was about 6 mos old.. Been 1 year now and going strong :D around 25 dollars.
yeah thats what I wanted but little_fish told me that I didnt have the proper lighting for one and if they die they release chemical that is deadly so I thought theres another type of anemone thats for beginners.
nope, all nems need strong lights, especially the ones clownfish will live in. You need to upgrade your lights before you get one. Also, there are no beginner nems
wow thats actually very nice and I see it has fans on the side so I can leave it on all day thats what Im currently doing
ok so does it come with bulbs and friend of mine told me that theres bulbs for day and nighttime is this true and if yes can I switch between them without having to take bulb out
oh I thought there was daytime and night time lighting and also sorry about going a little off topic is a skimmer really needed because im thinking of getting reef cleaner pack from liveaquaria it comes with blenny that eats microalgea
daytime is the lights on and night time is the lights off . . .

Also, im unaware of an cleaner pack that comes with fish, but a skimmer wont effect them and while it might lessen the amount of algae in the tank it wont effect the blenny. But you should make sure that the blenny will eat the dried seaweed because several members on here have a had problems with the algae eating blennies starving to death after they ate all the algae in the tank.
If you want to give something to your clowns to host in the meantime, while you think about upgrading lights (which I agree is necessary to keep an anemone happy), clowns will usually host hardy corals such as hairy mushrooms and toadstool leathers. You could try one of those -- they are MUCH easier to keep than anemones.
didnt know that I dont even have that much algae but what about maybe sand cleaners something to maintain tank eat all the junk