Transitioning from FO to Reef

I would run it around that like mine for example is near a window it gets natural lighting as well My timer kicks my lights on at 10 off at 7 havent seen an algae out break other then diatoms. If I could seperate my lighting I would kick the actinics on a 9 and off at 8 moon lights on at 7:45 off at 9:15
Adrastos -- would you like to join my "I LOVE MY ALGAE FILLED TANK" club? It's a very elite, exclusive club. It has just one member (me) so far!
Biff your not alone there. Adrastos dont join, they dont let you out, I even think they'll try and kill you if you try to leave the club. LOL
This doesn't sound good.. but.. I can't hide from whom I am... I'll be running for office in this club in no time!!!
Bifferwine said:
I'm afraid it's going to take a long time before I can step down from my post as president!

lol "I am not only a member, but I am also the president!"

Isn't that from the hair club for men? :)
Hey everybody, we made it back from the coral farm for the first time with corals!! Yay:) We went for the pulsating xenia of course because I love them and some zoanthids. Both seem to be acclimating well. Pics are in the photo gallery if you're interested.