too much waterflow?


Reefing newb
Just wondering, One of my powerheads broke recently and I thought my waterflow was a little low so I bought a new (more powerful-70 gallon rated vs the old 30) powerhead. My flow is about 575 gph now (33 gallon tank).
But my goby and clown are hiding behind my powerhead now.
Does that mean its too much flow for them?
Also will this help get rid of the algae that has begun growing like crazy on my substrate? will the sandsifter goby and lawnmower blenny help with it as well? I also have 4 mexican turbo snails and a couple small hermit crabs. Shouldnt all that stop the stuff from growing? I guess it's because of my light upgrade a month ago.
Is your sand still still on the bottom?If it is,Then NO,you dont have to much flow.
More flow is supposed to slow algae down.Maybe it does,I cant say for sure.
What kind of algae is it?
The extra flow will help keep detritus in suspension,whick will help get it outta the tank.
other then green I dont know what kind of algae. I am a little algae ignorant:)
And yeah, all sand is still on the bottom:)
Just give it time.You'll be an algae expert before you know it.:mrgreen:
Every tank thats ever been set up has gone through algae.Its like a cycle or something.You'll get diatoms,then cyano,then hair,then it'll go away for a while,then it'll start showing back up.
Makes you stay on your toes.
i must admit, i kind of laughed when you said your fish were hiding behind the powerhead, the mental image was just great, haha. imagine if they were just staring at you =p
your flow is fine. your fish will get used to it and start to rid the wave in a few days
