Too Much Flow?


Reefing newb
How much is too much flow for a tank? Right now I am running two Kor 4s and have an extra Kor 3 which I figured I would add for more flow.

The specs for Kor 4 are 1200gph each so total 2400gph.
The spec for the Kor 3 is 850gph.

So a grand total of 3250 from just my power heads never mind the return from my sump which is give or take 700gph. So if you add them both that would be 3950gph.

The tank is 90gallon, so roughly 43-44 turnofver in the tank. Is that too much?
What size bulk heads did you get. I was expecting two different size ones but both of mine were 1.75 inches. What is your overflow rated at?
I don't know. I "made" my own bulkheads out of hardware store plumbing -- I didn't buy them.

The two holes in my tank are two different sizes.
I'll play... I have been wondering this too...My clown doesnt like to leave his home (one of my powerheads) and I was wondering if it may be to the fact that there is too much flow.

I have a 33 gal.
I have 2 - Kor #2, a maxijet 1200 on my skimmer and koreila 1

I am also now looking to add another nano to try and hit some of the other dead spots in the front corners...(I love my huge rock wall but it is hard to eliminate all the dead spots)
IMO, unless you are creating a sand storm in your tank, there's no such thing as too much flow! *LOL* However, some corals prefer lower flow in order to thrive.
No matter how much flow we have in our tanks we will never be able to mimic the pull of the tides and such of the ocean,so i say no amount of flow is too much flow,JMO.Ofcourse you don't want a sandstorm either,thats why i have my flow starting at the bottom of my tank and pointing upwards..
IMO, unless you are creating a sand storm in your tank, there's no such thing as too much flow! *LOL* However, some corals prefer lower flow in order to thrive.

A stand storm means too much flow. Also if your fish are really struggling against the current that also might mean too much. I have my LR propped up on hidden PVC pipe so I can get flow under the rock --this prevents detritus from sinking into the sand.