
Opsanus beta - Gulf Toadfish (orange toadfish)

size - 11.8" (30cm)

range western atlantic

foods- meaty foods, including marine fish and crustacean flesh, live fish may be needed to initiate feeding. feed 2-4 times a week.

Reef aquarium compatibility - voracious predator on ornamental shrimps and small fishes,. Burrowing activities may topple live rock and corals.

captive care- This is a durable fish that fares well in the home aquarium. It is the only member of its genus regularly encountered by the aquarist; most indiviuals are collected by live rock farmers along the Gulf coast of Florida. Often found in polluted water in the wild, it can tolerate suboptimal conditions in captivity. Rarely succumbs to diseas, even when other fishes in the aquarium are infected. Will burrow under aquarium decor and hide much of the time. When food is added, it will dash from its hiding place to capture it, then quickly return to the safety of its shelter.

Yes, well ya, uhhu, yep, the shrimp will definitely be a little something for the fish. hope this helps.