I have about 15 frags of soft corals in the tank now - mostly frogspawn, some kenya trees, the neon green grass stuff, a candy cane neon mushroom thing... My coraline algae is going freaking crazy growing on everything, I love it. Calcium is around 440. Nitrates at about 25. No nitrites, zero amonia, PH at 8.3, alkalinity at 280, phosphates close to undectable, I use only RO water and Seachem reef salt, which I heard was the best. I am extremely anal about my water, I check it twice a day, I have spent hundreds to thousands on crazy testers and chemicals and whatever else I can to create the perfect environment. I have a "kind of refugium" which I keep under the tank, it cannot run all day because I cannot level the pumps to where it won't overflow, so I run it about an hour a day into the large tank where I can watch levels and shut off pumps when the levels get to high and it is about to overflow.
As for why my friends think it's weird - it's just the guys I hang out with and the type of person I am. Most of my stories revolve around the extremely insane things I do on a weekly basis and the folks I hang out with are mostly like me - I am an adrenyline junkie which means I was a criminal as a teenager (read: loser skater punk), and now I do things like boxing and motorcycle racing and such other really random dumb dangerous things. The aquarium thing for me is almost zen-like. So calming and just...beautiful. If it doesn't involve something that makes a good story to tell someone else later, most of the people I know just kind of stare blankly and go "uhh, what?"
Maybe I just need new friends :D