thinking of doing a reset on my tank....

i have lost most all my fish to ich...i feel so down ...i was thimking of going back to freshwater again...but wend i see my corals ...i love the way it looks...what can i do to have a nice tank...i do my water changes..check my levels..but that dam ich...i added a sump to my tank...t5 lights...but all my fish keep dying...but my invertes have all ways done so good...
Enjoy your inverts for now. Buy corals and fill your tank with nice corals. Feed them, watch them grow, watch them spread. Buy pretty shrimp and starfish and urchins, and watch them thrive.

Then, in two months, buy your first fish. Either buy from a place like Live Aquaria's Diver's Den, where the fish are quarantined for an appropriate amount of time before they are sold, or quarantine the fish yourself at home before adding it to the tank. Do this for all fish you buy in the future. Don't re-introduce ich into the tank again. Make sure all fish are ich-free before you put them in there. Even if that means treating each and every fish you buy with copper or hyposalinity before you put it in your tank.

That's the only way you will be able to keep ich out of your tank. But keep in mind, if all your fish were getting it and dying from it, there was something else going on in the tank that was stressing them and making them unhealthy. Ich is an opportunistic parasite. It will not show up on a healthy fish, and it certainly won't kill a fish that is happy, healthy and stress free. Stressors can be poor water quality, fighting with tankmaters, overstocking so the fish fight over territory, poor quality diet, etc.
i think the reson my fish got ich was wend i got my yellow tang...he was mean...i will take you advice.. and treat all my fish...and to treat with would i do that the right way...
There is this great stuff that i used during and after my ich crisis its called kick ich
Ruby Reef - Kick-Ich, Safe Rally & HydroPlex

This does not cure or eliminate ich. It says right in the description that it can be used to "control" only the free-swimming stages of ich. The ich parasite has several stages of its life cycle, so Kick-Ich is pretty ineffective. If this stuff worked "great" for you, you were doing something else right, because Kick-Ich isn't responsible for that success. Anything reef-safe is going to be ineffective against ich. The only two proven methods of eliminating ich are copper and hyposalinity. If it's gentle enough to use on your reef tank without killing corals or inverts, it's not going to do anything against the parasite either.
thanks biff i dont know what we would do with out got my hopes up...of one day having a nice baby girl loves looking at it .shes only 2 months old...
Ugh this is so frustrating to hear....i hope it doesnt happen to me. My tank is only a month and a half without cycleing and is doing great! I hope you find your way back. The ocean should be embrassed. Enjoy it while we still have it
im do what bifferwine said treat all my fish before i put them in my tank..but first wait 8 put my first fish...

Sorry to hear about your losses...been there done that and I own the T shirt. Use the next 8 weeks to research and plan and also get your 10 gallon quarantine tank set up. Hang in there it does get better. The best advice I have seen is on this site not your LFS I had my guy sell me a cloudy eyed fish and tell me that's ok I don't need to tell you what happened three weeks later they make money by selling fish if they sold extended warranties they would require water samples to test before they sold any fish.
Yeah, hang in there. It can be VERY discouraging. I think there are very few of us on here that haven't been through a tank crash or tank disaster where we lost a lot of livestock. It really is heartbreaking when that happens, and it just makes you want to throw in the towel. I'm confident that you can find a way to enjoy a fishless tank for the next couple of months. There are so many awesome corals out there, and IMO, they are more exciting and fun to shop for than fish anyways.
thanks...for all your support...its really helps...and yes i do like better shopping for corals....i love the colors ..and how they make my tank a window in to the ocean....:bounce::beerchug:
This does not cure or eliminate ich. It says right in the description that it can be used to "control" only the free-swimming stages of ich. The ich parasite has several stages of its life cycle, so Kick-Ich is pretty ineffective. If this stuff worked "great" for you, you were doing something else right, because Kick-Ich isn't responsible for that success. Anything reef-safe is going to be ineffective against ich. The only two proven methods of eliminating ich are copper and hyposalinity. If it's gentle enough to use on your reef tank without killing corals or inverts, it's not going to do anything against the parasite either.

I've used Kick-ich 3 times and the ich went away each time. Of course, they may have gotten better despite the Kick-ich. I think Kick-ich and garlic make it more difficult for parasites to survive and make it easier for the fish to use their own natural defenses to fight off ich.

As I have said before, frozen fish food has ich in it! Its well known that parasites can reanimate. Sushi must be deep frozen before it can be served. I feed my fish sushi roe, frozen blood worms (from a fresh water source) and other dried foods.
Biff posted some of the best advice.Keep your chin up,things will get better.Consider what happened a challenge and learning experience.We have all gone through disasters of one kind or another,even the experience reefer.
Ugh this is so frustrating to hear....i hope it doesnt happen to me. My tank is only a month and a half without cycleing and is doing great! I hope you find your way back. The ocean should be embrassed. Enjoy it while we still have it

It more than likely will at some thing you can do is make sure your fish are fed a variety of foods, including garlic. This way they're getting the necessary nutrients they need and have a good immune system...When and if it happens, they have a much better chance of naturally fighting the ich. I think everyone here who has had a tank for more than a year has had to deal with ich in some way. The people who don't freak out and start dumping stuff in the tank are the ones who usually come through it ok..

I could be totally off on this, but this is the way I look at it. I don't dump chemicals in my tank. Nature doesn't so neither do I. I think the best way to keep a tank healthy is to do what nature does, provide clean water constantly. I do massive water changes every week.

Ich as much as we hate it, is a natural occurence. Nature has given the fish the ability to fight it with their immune systems. Whatever those chemicals are that manufacturers sell that kill ich IMO must stress the fish out in some way..Those chemicals aren't natural, the fish have never encountered them in the ocean, if they've never encountered them in the ocean, it must stress their system in some form or fashion.

Keep the water clean, the fish fat and healthy, and you've got a better than average chance of coming through an ich outbreak unscathed.

Again, this is just my opinion. I could be totally wrong.
Like Biff said we have all been through tank crashes, most of us more than one. Things get easier and better as you go along. You just have to pick yourself up and try again.
It more than likely will at some thing you can do is make sure your fish are fed a variety of foods, including garlic. This way they're getting the necessary nutrients they need and have a good immune system...When and if it happens, they have a much better chance of naturally fighting the ich. I think everyone here who has had a tank for more than a year has had to deal with ich in some way. The people who don't freak out and start dumping stuff in the tank are the ones who usually come through it ok..

I could be totally off on this, but this is the way I look at it. I don't dump chemicals in my tank. Nature doesn't so neither do I. I think the best way to keep a tank healthy is to do what nature does, provide clean water constantly. I do massive water changes every week.

Ich as much as we hate it, is a natural occurence. Nature has given the fish the ability to fight it with their immune systems. Whatever those chemicals are that manufacturers sell that kill ich IMO must stress the fish out in some way..Those chemicals aren't natural, the fish have never encountered them in the ocean, if they've never encountered them in the ocean, it must stress their system in some form or fashion.

Keep the water clean, the fish fat and healthy, and you've got a better than average chance of coming through an ich outbreak unscathed.

Again, this is just my opinion. I could be totally wrong.

Very well said PRC.