The Dangers(?) of hermits


Reefing newb
Just curious if anybody thinks that hermits can be detrimental to a reef tank. I see them walking all over my zoa's as well as my gsp. it's annoying. i also hear they can damage frogspawn, as they seem to be immune to its sweepers. Another thing i hear is that hermits eat coralline?

i DO have stripped areas of coralline in my tank which i have no idea why. should i just get rid of them and let my serpent stars take care of detritus?
I have seen my hermits eat snails to get their shells. they can get really big and can stomp on corals. Blue-legged hermits are not bad for your reef IMHO, but that is it. I have 2 in my 90 and that is it. I do have a few in my 125 but take out the big ones when I see them and take them back to the fish store. If I were you, I would get two or three blue-legged hermits and keep the rest of the tank with serpent stars and emerald crabs

I could never directly feed my goniopora and sun coral with them.They will walk all over them and steal the food.They can kill snails for their shells too.

IMO,all crabs are evil-emeralds,hermits,sally.
Well almost all,the porcelain crabs are alright in my book.Oh yeah,and the hitchhiking acro crabs.
I agree, I hate having hermits because they kill my snails and because they can irritate corals. That being said, I still have some in my tank...
I had about fifteen at one time. now only two, and one of those are in my refugium. that is all thanks to my sixline wrasse. he is a hermit crab eater deluxe. they are fine as long as they stay in there shell. but once they crawl out to molt, he makes a nice little snack out them. morale of the story is: the sixline wrasse was one of the best investments I have ever made for my reef tank.
They are a PITA, they kill things, and bother coral, but I wouldn't get rid of them for nothing. I love the guys.