that special purchase


Well? .. I AM trying
I never EVER purchase anything without studying everything I can find available in the spot I am standing for at least 10 seconds with big "I want that" eyes. This can be a problem? ... cough cough...

Thing is, you study a life form and try to get a grip on the requirements, pro's, and con's, by the book. Then you make this life changing decision to purchase it and install it into this micro eco system you are the god of. When you get to the LFS that life form is gone .. it has been chosen and taken home by some much less deserving being, ....and another wonder of life you have no clue about is calling you... loudly! This other life form knows some how that you are in a weakened state of mind from the disappointment of spending countless hours in prep for something you will never ever get a chance to purchase again, and that you need that special high from the purchase of a life form to be the master of, to get you over the sadness & emptyness

...........So you do it..... that totally .. thoughtless..logic free purchase... but it is not your fault.... the life form made you do it... it took total advantage of the moment. Now it has you as its care taker for life... you've been had.

So... as a beginning reefer we must be strong... ummm... ok.. stronger.

Ever been there??? don't lie!

Guilty as charged. Fancy Gumdrop Coral Croucher aka Cutest Fish EVA! Bought a pair for $80 plus shipping, put them in the tank, and saw them maybe a handful of times over the next few months. Come to find out, they are VERY reclusive and you probably won't ever see them in any tank of any size. Lesson learned. Research, research, research. And when you're done researching, research some more.