Thank God...


Reefing newb
So I was doing some maintenance on my tank today right. Cleaning and my weekly water changes etc... So I am cleaning off the glass in the front and I am hearing splashing comming from somewhere. I didn't think to much of it. So then I go onto cleaning the filter in the back of my overflow and what do I find; o nothing much but my new sand sifting goby. ha. So I captured the lil bastard and put him back in the tank and he seems to be much happier back in the tank. I think I might have spooked him when I was siphoning out the water and didn't notice cause thats when I was hearing the spashing. I did have the cover off the top of my overflow box cause I was going to clean it next. Crazy guy must have jumped into the overflow and thank god he didn't get sucked down into my sump. Woo Who..... Now hes in the process of making a new cave for his home. Ha. that guy is crazy...
Fish can get theirselves into some wild places.
My mandine has decided he wants to live my overflow.Since my arm wont fit in there,I cant get him out.But he's living it up on all the pods and is fat as a hawg.
I happen to have a tiny ass net for my freswater so I just used that and made the little guy jump in. Go get the smallest net you can get from your LFS for like 2 bucks I bet you can get him out..:^:
I may have to do that.Its either a small net taped to a long handle,or drain all the water out of the overflow and remove the bulkheads.
Gobies seem to like to jump,I'm starting to think any fish will do it.

Yote pull out standpipe and let the mandarin slide down the drain into the sump.