Testing for Mag


SPS Freak
SO I bought a Mag test kit today and tried to test the water. The key word here is TRIED:frustrat: Its a Elos ? test kit I followed the instructions and couold not get the thing to change colors at the end of the test. I kept putting in the drops that you are supposed to subtract from the first set. What the heck? Any help?
I did that the first time I used my ELOS mag kit.
After you've added the reagent A drops to get the green color.Write down how many drops it took to change.Then rinse the test vile out and get another sample of tank water.
You have to actually use 2 water samples from the tank.
Hope I didnt confuse you more.
Mag test are a bit more complicated then other test but I find the ELOS one easier out of the different ones I've tried.

I found the change in color much clearer and precise then in other test.It seems like you are doing the two parts of the test correctly.I'm not sure what's wrong with the change in color for you.
Yeah I didnt dump the water out and just kept adding drops. Thanks I checked it today its at 1250. The directions dont say to dump it out... just add water then the drops. Oh well live and learn!