Test Kits?


Reef enthusiast
I'm looking for a decent all-in-one saltwater reef test kit.
I know that Salifert are considered the best but that's a bit too much to spend all up front so I'm just looking for something to get me by for now. Then as I run out of stuff I'll replace with the Salifert one at a time.
And what's the most important parameters to test while cycling the tank with live rock and sand but nothing else?
seachem has a great marine basic test kit. First test kit i bought and awesome imo. has over 75 test and covers everything dustin said above It even comes with bottles of chemicles to test the test to make sure everything is working properly... glad i spent the money on it
If you just want a test kit for now the API will keep you covered until you get the better ones. The only two that I have that aren't API are calcium, magnesium,and alkalinity.