Terebellid polychaete


Reefing newb
I've noticed these clear worm tentacles all over my tank and spreading out over the past months. They resembe the pictures I've seen of Terebellid polychaete. Is this a nuisance worm or a beneficial one? If a nuisance, how can I rid of them?
Welcome to the site Andy.
They are only nuisance when their threads stretch across corals and keep the polyps from opening.Their also beneficial in that they will feed on detritus and left over food.
To get rid of the ones that are causing problems.Just put a dab of super glue gel over the opening of the tube.
Yote is right. I have them all over my tank, and the only time they've become problematic is when they've been on the same rocks as some zoanthids and irritated the zoas enough that the zoas were staying closed.