temp swings


Reefing newb
didnt know where to put this...
but since i put my new lights on, which hasnt even had the cycle fully run, the temp has been swinging from its usual 78.5 to up to 82 degrees... any tips on how to regulate this a little? i no longer have the lid on my tank
the low tech way is to use a fan on timer blowing at the water on top of your tank from 12pm to 6pm or so. It should be able to keep it down to about 80 degree.

Check what kind of temperature your fan can bring the temperature down to and then set your heater to maybe 1 degree lower than that. let's say your fan can get it down to 80 during the day, get your heater set at 79 or so.

A little more high tech way of course is allowing you to turn on the fan and/or heater within certain the temperature range. I use Nepture system's Apex.

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I had the same issue and i just took the plastic piece of the back of the glass top. Then had a fan blowing across the top. It lowered the temp from around 82 to about 79. The downfall was more water evaporation. Hope this helps. Good luck.
I use a Ranco 2 stage controller. If the temp drops below 78, my heaters kick on. If the temp goes over 80, my fans kick on.
Being cheap (oops, I mean financially conscious), I purchased a clip-on fan from Home Depot. Cost me $10 and I have it on the timer with my lights. Works like a charm!
If the highest your tank gets, is 82F when the lights are on - then don't worry about it.

Adjust the heater temp up to 82F and forget about it. That way when the lights are off you won't get the temp swing. The heater will do it's job at night and the lights will warm the water during the day. You'll have stable temps.
thanks i glued a pc fan i tore out of my old computer on the side of the tank its been doing the job. the temp has been staying within .2 degrees from day to night.. but if the mh is off and the fan stays on it wil cool it past the heaters ability haha so i need to put them on the same timer.