TDS meter question


love my reef
as you all know I have had a huge brown algae problem in my tank.. I bought a RO/DI system a year ago last July but never had a TDS meter.. I just got one to hook up to my RO/DI system.. what should it read for the PPM?? it has a in reading and a out reading.. I don't have it hooked up yet but I placed the out line in the bucket of RO water and I had a reading of 010ppm does that sound right or is this the problem with my water???
i think that 010 or 10 parts per million is on the upper limit of what you want as output, but, remember that if your just starting to use the filter system, that your probably gonna wanna dump the first few gallons that it makes, just to let it get flushed out.. but then after that, i would think that anything under 10 would be good.

My curriosity is whats the in measure? if its like 300+ then i'd say the filter is working, smile and be happy...
my rodi runs at 0 so i think if mine got to 10 i would change the filters maybe your tds needs calibrated. but i would start thinking a about changing them
Wow Houston water must be great if it's reading 2 or 3 in! My tap water reads 400 or so in. I change my filters when it gets up to 10% of that, around 40.
Wow Houston water must be great if it's reading 2 or 3 in! My tap water reads 400 or so in. I change my filters when it gets up to 10% of that, around 40.

Your right Biff! Our water here in Tucson is crap. At my house it reads 465 coming out of the facet. I recently got new filters and replaced them and still got a high reading that I thought was too much. So I got a new unit from Bulk Reef Supply and now I'm finally down to zero again. I love my new unit! :)