tankmates lionfish

If you get a lion, get a dwarf lion fish...and anything that doesn't fit in his mouth will be fine, they are not aggressive fish.
Depending on your filtration, you could probably put 2-3 other small fish in there. And I don't think a dwarf will bother the clowns...just try not to get any babies that could fit in his mouth...although, he will probably not hunt them at all.
its nto set in stone just a thought i dont know if i want to get a lion they seam kinda unsafe they r venumus but i dont know wht other fish ide like in there i mean i liek the way lions swim and there prety big fish but i jus dk if i want one any one sugest sometihng else or give me excelent reasons to get a lion
Get fish that you like and like to look at.

It's your tank and if you get a "centerpiece" fish like that and don't like it, what good is that? If you don't want one and you get it anyway, there's probably a pretty high chance you won't want to be on top of maintenance and the like to keep the tank nice.

If it were me, and I was having doubts about getting a "centerpiece" fish, I wouldn't get it.

Also, I think other than the "wow" factor that guests would have over it, they're pretty boring. (But let's be honest, most of the people we probably know are non-reefers and will drool over your tank regardless of what's in it)
My dwarf lion never really moves until night time, which he's super active then and awesome to watch. Just keep in mind that if you don't have moonlights, you'll never really enjoy watching him the way you're probably expecting, as they are nocturnal.
And yeah they're definetly best as your very last fish. Mine never bothered the cleaner shrimp or mandarin in my tank even though he could easily swallow them whole, but he gulped down three peppermints as soon as I put them in the tank, all of which were just as big as the cleaner. Also got a neon dottyback that was bigger than my mandarin.
Get fish that you like and like to look at.

It's your tank and if you get a "centerpiece" fish like that and don't like it, what good is that? If you don't want one and you get it anyway, there's probably a pretty high chance you won't want to be on top of maintenance and the like to keep the tank nice.

If it were me, and I was having doubts about getting a "centerpiece" fish, I wouldn't get it.

Also, I think other than the "wow" factor that guests would have over it, they're pretty boring. (But let's be honest, most of the people we probably know are non-reefers and will drool over your tank regardless of what's in it)
Yeah,they are not an active swim around kind of fish.Personally i would get a nice dwarf angel,a sweet looking wrasse and a pair of B&W clowns..