Tank temperature


Reefing newb
Today I checked my thermometer on my tank and it read about 83. Usually rank is 78-80 had a hot day today and had ac on in the house. How can I make sure the tank stays cooler than 83? Also will be Benny and gold head sleeper goby be less active with the warmer water? Not seen them much today. Usually don't see them much a few times a day but only 1 time each today.
In that case just take the glass top off. You really dont want to keep those lids on because they cut down on light, keep heat in and the big one is it restricts gas exchange
Removing the glass lids would definitely help with the heat...try replacing the glass with egg crate/light diffuser. Fyi, my tank had hit 83° several times with no ill effects. The large temp swings is more dangerous than the actual temp.

Top of tank with LEDs sitting on glass


Front view of tank


Another of top of tank, zoomed out some


My moon light(3 LED on the black piece)
Yeah, the mh light is really heating the water up, and the glass lid is trapping the heat and carbon dioxide in the tank. Maybe you could attach the led strips to the mh fixture, that way you could remove that glass lid.
No, they are on from noon-midnight, metal halide from 2p.m.-8p.m. then moonlights from midnight-noon.

Is it called lighting crate exactly? And will I just need to build something to attach the LED strips to?