tank price


i am going to perchase a used 75 gallon tank, it includes entire sump filtration and powerfull lighting. it is 650. is that a good price or a rip off. also the tank is in good condition
Not enough info Kwater.

Powerful lighting doesn't tell me much.What type,name brand and how many watts?
Complete sump filtration?Need more info,does it have a skimmer and what kind?Refugium/sump or wet/dry?Any other equipment?

So far,it doesn't sound like a fair deal.
Kwater this isn't a product review. I know you are new and excited about the hobby, but you need to try to ask questions in the right threads or make one big thread and post all your questions in it.
Sounds high to me.
In SW Florida, I can buy a BRAND NEW AGA with overflow (90g) + cherry stand for $515.00. If you are creative, for another few hundred you can do the filtration & lighting.
Post some details then offer $400.00 if it looks good (bad economy spawns frugal deals).
sounds a little high. check craigs list. Go to classgages.com. They sell new setups 75 gallon drilled, 20 gallon acrylic sump, bulk heads, and stand for $688 (brand new). YOu can get power compact lights new for about $200. OR find some used ones on ebay for about 100 or so. I just sold a power compact that would have been perfect for 100. Good luck
sounds a little high. check craigs list. Go to classgages.com. They sell new setups 75 gallon drilled, 20 gallon acrylic sump, bulk heads, and stand for $688 (brand new). YOu can get power compact lights new for about $200. OR find some used ones on ebay for about 100 or so. I just sold a power compact that would have been perfect for 100. Good luck

I think you mean glasscages.com.
NEW I AM GETTING A 125 GALLON TANK INSTEAD ok it has a high powered protine skimer. with complete sump and wet dry filter. with coral life lights. the only way to doscribe them is that there are two blue ones and two white ones. along with timers. ie is 863