tank issue

Ya this year has been a strange winter cold one day shorts the next. As long as the tank temp stays stable that shouldnt be a issue.
I am installing a controller (as soon as it comes in) I lost a 10 gallon reef because of a heater malfunction...tank boils smell really bad. Hard to think that hundreds if not thousands of dollars all trusted to a $30 heater...Its the Achilles heal of the hobby.
I know its that last thing you want to think about right now with what you are going through but in the future look into a heater controllers or a reef controller. For some reason when heaters fail more then not its in the on position. Can always tell the spouse it would be a great birthday present...lol
I have the reef keeper light on order. Its a controller that is going to do a few things for me. First take care of the heater. Second run my ATO, Third monitor my ph and control if I start using kalkwassier, would be in the ATO water. However have to be careful with kalk, a kalk overdose can kill a tank fast. ( i plan on starting to add LPS coral) Fourth turn on a fan if the tank gets above 80. Fourth plug I am not sure about yet...Might just have the powerheads connected to it so when I feed the tank I dont have to unplug stuff. So a four plug unit will do 5 things...bang for the buck...I ordered mine from marine depot, plus the float switch for the ATO and a aqualifter pump...was total $234 Considering a separate ato and heater controller would be more then that was the way to go for me. Heres a link to the unit I have coming. MarineDepot.com Exclusive ReefKeeper Lite + SL1 Expansion Unit w/ FREE pH Probe
Automatic top off...It will top off the water in the sump or tank. Keeps the tank more stable and less to worry about if you go out of town. Is a float switch that tells a pump to pump water from a container into my sump. Kalkawassier is a way to boost ph and calcium in a tank that has hard corals. I will post a couple of links to my favorite fish geek on youtube. He explains it well. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVDcreXpJdI]Auto Top Off (ATO) systems - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POsLy2Mp0m8]How To Use the King of All Saltwater Additives Safely and Effectively - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah well it seems u kno wat ur doing so there's nothing wrong with that thanks for all the help and now I'm thinking about setting up a ato after I get my first issue figured out