Tank depression...


Seahorse Whisperer
So my tank is brown, cluttery, junky looking. That calm peaceful feeling of gentle water is gone. What can you do? I'm getting rid of some of my live rock, thinking about pulling the whole thing apart and getting only white sand. Any other suggestions?

Catherine,We all go through that exact same thing.Its all part of the tank maturing,you just have to work through it.
Keep the water quality high and it'll eventually be just as pretty as the day you set it up.You just cant rush it along.
I set up on November 1st. I went to my LFS and got a little bit of long leafy seaweed looking stuff and put it in the tank. It really helps make it look alive. It will have to do for now. Thanks for the encouragement.

Like Yote mentioned, its part of the early stages. Just hang in there it'll eventually get better. Keep up your water changes and you'll be ok. Dont be down about it :)
I'm battling the same thing at the moment since i moved long distance. I'm having an algae cycle and I hate it lol. It'll get better don't worry :)
Yeah Picasso, our tanks all go through the algae ugly duckling phase. Patience is the ke, it'll look beautiful again before you know it. Also, I highly suggest keeping your live rock as it is a wonderful natural filter for your tank. The more rock, the better, I think everyone would agree with that. Hang in there
Eat cheese. That always makes me feel better when I'm depressed. Oh I totally pig out on cheese. You are in the right place for cheese too! Lucky.
Putting that little bit of green in there really brightened things a bit. I also got a little 5 gallon and upgraded our beta tank from the 2.5 gallon he was in before and got him a girl beta and a couple of those neon things to harass. Just have to stay distracted through this stage. No fun to shoot my tank lately.

This will pass. My buddies tank seems to take forever, I think it has been about 4 years now. You have to keep your water quality up and it will pass faster.
You have the correct title "tank depression", it is depressing to see your tank take a downfall, but don't let it get you down, just like everyone has said, it will get better.

Your tank/this hobby is like life..."without struggle there is no success".

Keep your head up!