Tank cycle done Add coral??

You can add more forgiving corals now as long as the cycle is complete. Zoanthids, soft corals, Lps. I would wait a bit for sps coral for the tank to become more established
We have zoanthids, mushrooms, hammer, xenia toadstool, chalice and an adopted flowerpot.
Ammonia/Nitrates/Nitrites all 0
Salinity 1.026
i did this about a week ago from my biocube 14 to a 40gal. moved everything as soon as it cycled. my zoas mushrooms polyps are all doing great if not better since i have more flow they have seemed to open up more. . now with the fish i added 3 small ones almost at the same time. my nitrates spiked but after this week they are almost gone. i would think your fine if you do the same