

Reefing newb
can you put a hawaii yellow tang and a yelow eye cole tang together if you add them at the same time. Could I QT them in a 17 gal tank together also? They would go in my 90gal tank. Let me know what you think Thanks
are they adult fish? if so the 17 is wayyyyyy to small to house both of them for a few weeks and would most likely stress them out.even if they arent adults its a bit small.

most people here would even say that your 90 gal is too small to house 2 tangs.

if added together they might do okay. but it would be a risk.
I think a 90 would be okay for those two fish, both of which are on the smaller end when it comes to tangs. But I would be worried about quarantining them together in such a small tank. They will probably be fine if added separately.
i was just saying because my first tang was a yellow eye kole and then i added a yellow tang later and they fought. but everything is a risk really.

just keep and eye on them and i think they will be okay. biff is smart. shes got you :)
I would QT the Kole Tang first and get him in the display tank. They seem to be less aggressive when adding other new fish, at least that's been my experience with them
When have you ever seen a 10 inch long yellow tang in this hobby? It will take them decades to get that big. I've had my yellow tang for 5 years now, and he is still only about 4 inches long. A 90 is perfectly fine for a yellow tang. They are not like groupers. They don't grow to a huge size in a matter of months.
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Hey you edited,anyway i HAVE seen 8-9 inch yellows and purples all the time.My LFS has a YT and a purple both pushing 9 inches.
I edited it almost 10 minutes before you even replied. And all I edited it to say was that they aren't like groupers that grow fast.

Last edited by Bifferwine; 51 Minutes Ago at 09:11 AM.
Posted by OhNoNemo 44 Minutes Ago.

Nothing that I said has changed. A 90 is a fine tank for a yellow tang. And if you think a yellow tang will outgrow a 90, you're going to be waiting for 15 years for that to happen.
A couple of the smaller tangs would be fine in a 55 gallon tank for a period of time. They would eventually get too large. But something like a small kole tang would be fine in a 55. Tangs need a lot of lateral swimming space -- so the fact that a tank is 4 feet long is more important than how many gallons it contains.
So IYO, they will outgrow a 55,but not a 6 inch wider 90? Its just that i've been on other sites that people would send out the lynch mob(not the hair band.lol),for even considering anything under 6 feet...
I never said they wouldn't outgrow a 90. In fact, I said they will, but it would take many years for that to happen.

I will repeat what I have said: a small yellow tang will be fine in a 90. It would be fine in a 55. As long as it has at least 4 feet of space to swim, it will be fine until it outgrows the tank, but that will take a long time. A yellow tang will not grow to 10 inches long in a few months.
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1 tang in a 90 will be ok for a limited time only. So if its a small one should be ok...Two small tangs might be ok but i wouldnt risk it. You might get away with it for a little while but it will be a matter of time until you have to get rid of one of them or both...so if you;re going to do this, make sure they are both very small.