Tang Food


Blenny Badlands
Is it ok to feed a tang raw broccoli? I read about that somewhere that you can feed them spinach, lettuce, broccoli, brussle sprouts.... :shock: I don't recall the last time I saw any of THOSE floating in the ocean. :dunno:
As I travel with the wife we tend to visit lfs stores in other states. We happened to see a store that did have some veggies floating in their tanks. i asked what that was for and they said cause the fish likd them. Hope this helps out. Its also in the book we are gonna talk about that it is ok to use veggies but the author doesnt recommened it.
Is it ok to feed a tang raw broccoli? I read about that somewhere that you can feed them spinach, lettuce, broccoli, brussle sprouts.... :shock: I don't recall the last time I saw any of THOSE floating in the ocean. :dunno:
I feed my tang and angel all of that and zucchini(except lettuce),they love it.Oh,BTW,when was the last time you saw a garlic clove or vitamin C in the ocean:rofl:
Try to get organic (and even with that, blanch it anyway just in case). You never know what gunk it's collected since being shipped to your store.
Yeah, that's something I hadn't thought about Wonton... If I fed my fish veggies, I'd definitely only buy organic. Who knows what kinds of hormones/pesticides/chemicals you'd be dumping in your tank! Especially with how sensitive the animals in our tanks are to any little thing!
Yeah, they would be. And easier too! Maybe there are people that don't have an LFS nearby? Then you can use veggies in a pinch until you can get to the store to pick up more.
variety man,c'mon i love steak,but everyday,for the rest of my life.No more risking then not QTing,IMO...Who feeds mysis,cyclop-eeze,blood worm,black worms ect...., not natural foods either.
I figure my fishes diet is about as natural as it gets in a tank.
I only give them mysis or enriched brine about once every month or so.But the tangs are always picking something off the rocks and they are fat,healthy,and happy.The mandrine is always bug huntin,and the blenny does his part with the rocks,just like my tangs do.
I feed my fish such a variety it's unbelievable. I have just about every type of frozen, flake, pellet, new gel food, etc you could imagine. My fish get variety, I tell you! :lol:
Wouldn't seaweed sheets be just as good and non risky?
Sorry,i was under the impression you only fed your herbivores seaweed sheets.
My spinach and zucchini is from my garden.I guess basically,if someone asked me what i thought about feeding the above mentioned stuff,i would say do it.
Variety is the key. But remember that tangs are herbivores. Plenty of vegetable matter needed. I feed mine vegetable flakes, emerald entree mixed with mysis and vitamin fortified brine and seaweed sheets every other day.