T5 HO lighting for my 55


Marine Enthusiast
Well I haven't set my tank up yet but I know the big question is what stock am I wanting to keep in my tank, and to be safe I'll just say I want all types of corals. I've heard different numbers about W per gallon and instead of numbers maybe people could just suggest some fixtures. Like everyone I want to keep it as cheap as possible, but hey put money where it counts right. I've been contemplating the following:

48 Inch 4x54w T5HO Deep Blue Lighting System
48" Inch T5 HO 4 Lamp 4 Lunar by Aquatic Life
Your looking for lights for a 55g tank right? What is the length of the tank your getting because a standard 55 is only 36" and you listed 48" fixtures.
Guess I was a little confused since Coral Commander was looking for 36" lights yesterday for a 55g .... oh well
I can't tell from the pics of the first one, but it looks like the 2nd one has individual reflectors, which is good.

Either one will do the trick for a 55.
The second one does look like it has individual reflectors.If that is the case then it is the better fixture of the two.

I personally would look into a six bulb/individual reflector fixture like the Nova Pros BL linked to earlier.

More 6 bulb/IR fixtures
AL-420192 Premium Aquatics
SL-960165 Premium Aquatics

This one is very interesting.It has IR's and bright LEDs to give a shimmer effect
CV-T5LED486 Premium Aquatics

Considered the best by review over on Reef Central.Probably because it german made and has very good reflectors.Price to match.
ATI-3011 Premium Aquatics
ATI-2025 Premium Aquatics
I really appreciate all of the help, I think I'll probably go with the Current USA that BL1 suggested. The only thing now is to find some lunar LED's wish they were in the fixture but I'll just have to rig something up.