T-5 Wattage

thats 6 watts per gallon honestly as long as small tank is cycled and you do regular water changes you could keep any coral in there even anenomes. i have 29 gallon with 156 watts of t5 and i keep zoos, mushrooms, a clam, lps corals and thats only 5 1/2 watts per gallon. Just need to stick with water changes keep calcium and alkalinity up were it should be and you could keep anything in there, skip anenome though cause they get big and can hurt other corals.
I dont know that I would try acros in a 12 gallon.They tend to suck calcium pretty quick,plus need good quality,and stable water.
But other than that,About anything you'd want.
yea I'll prob stay away from that and more from the hard corals because they're harder, but other than that I'll see what works out. No anenomes either.

Would Clams do well? what do they require
zoos, mushrooms, ricordeas, palys, green star polyps, maybe smaller lps like candy cane. Hammer and frogspawn are heavy stinging corals, tentacles got a long sweeping distance.
right now I have two zoos that came on one of the live rock. green star polyps, and another coral that I'm not sure what it is. I'll photograph it soonish.

what coral is this? sorry ignore the algae :)
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It looks like some sort of encrusting LPS...can't think of the name off the top of my head, but I have about five different kinds of it in my tank...Sorry!
Go with the Crocea clam.They stay small and are easy to take care of.
Just feed some phytoplankton a couple of times a week and keep your calcium and alkalinity right.