T-5 Reflectors

Hi again all,

Sorry, but I've been really busy. My mother has been diagnosed with cancer so I've been in and out of town. I ended up buying 4 reflectors (the Tek T-5 reflectors, not the Icecaps). The Tek reflectors are a little narrower and can be "gently" squeezed into the factory setup. However, I did have to notch out the reflectors so that the LED nightlights would shine through.

At first I just put the reflectors on the day lights and noticed that I could see back into my live rock into places that were a bit dark before. After about a week I put reflectors on the actinincs and noticed an increase in the amount of blue range light down into the tank. I don't have any meters to take measurements but when the room lights are turned off, the tank is a good bit brighter and it seems like my corals like the extra light.

Hope that this info helps out.

Sure does Wayne,thanks for the info.
Sorry to hear about your mother too.Hope it all works out for the best.