Sun coral help?


Reefing newb
Calgary, Can.
Had a huge Nitrite spike, lost 2 Ocillaris clown and 2 snails. My Sun coral was in that tank, is it gone or can I save it?

It's gone to a newly cycled tank but the only movement of it I have sen was a feather duster that came attached to the rock it is on, but nothing from the corals!
You can most likely save it. Is there still color? corals always lose their color first. He may not want to open due to bad water conditions.

Why did the nitrite spike? is that because the fish died? or is the tank still cycling?
+1 jmck

If the heads have turned white it is dying off. If they still have their color most likely they are just stressed out. Try feeding them later on to see if you can get them to open up at all.
So I have a pic I just took of my sun coral, can anybody tell me what that is on the coral to the left, it looks like a slime bubble over two or three of the coral heads, what are these, send me a message I'll send on a photo, being on IPad makes it a little harder to upload.