

Reefing newb
I need a sump for my 38, and wanted to know if i could just buy a full setup or do i have to build it up. I left my aquarium in care of a friend and i just got back last night after 30 days of being away from it. It dont look good, found my 6 line wrasse behind the tank, been there for like 5 days and the substrate looks very bad and my nassarius snails got a lot of the substrate stuck on them, is that normal cause when i left they looked clean.
Of course you can buy a pre-made setup. But they usually cost $300 to $400 at a minimum. If you build your own, you can easily do it for less than $100 (including the return pump). So if you have the money, buying one is much easier and faster! Has your friend been doing water changes? Maybe he was overfeeding it? It sounds like the tank has been neglected a little bit.
I am doing a 20 gallon sump tank for mine because im actually leaving for 7 weeks and im eh about leaving tank with gf lol..
Well he tried his best, lol i only let him know he has to watchout for it the day i was leaving cause it was a sudden thing.He has no XP in pets.
I checked the para this afternoon and everything was ok. To be sure i even took some water to my Lfs to be tested and same result, all good. I just think it was bad luck on that. Trying to see if i can upgrade the tank to a 75 or 90.