

Reefing newb
[/IMG]seeing if this pic is big enough to see I am thinking not

ok now you will all see my computer skills at work. I could not figure out how to make the paint pic big enough to see so I took at pic of the comp and will post that.
this is what I was thinking of adding to my tank. Does this seem right? I need to keep 8" in wet/dry filter for the protein skimmer, and I would connect the two with a pipe where the filter is feed now. Also, thinking I could then remove the bio-balls slowly. All this to help lower my nitrates. What size light would I need for the cheato? The cheato bucket might be around 10-12 in deep. Thanks Also Bifferwine if you read this do you still have your cheato for sale??
I dont see anything wrong with that.
For the light,just pick up one of those clamp on heat lamps and stick a CPF bulb.Something like a 100 watts should work.
Here's my 10g fuge for an example. I use a cheapo clamp light fixture with a CFL bulb and my chaeto grows like crazy. Feel free to ask any questions on build advise.

Hiker, I have extra crushed coral substrate should I add to the bottom of sump with cheato? Does yours flow go from right to left in your pic? What size pump and over flow do you have on your 29 gal? I also have a 29 gal that I need to add a sump to. Do you have a thread of that tank set up I could look at? Thanks for the help I will be putting this together this weekend If I can find the time.