Sump Questions


Reefing newb
Currently I have an empty 29 Gallon display. I have room underneath the stand for a 10 gallon sump. I also would like to have a 10 Gallon frag tank setup right next to the main display. Would it be feasible to have overflow into the one single 10 gallon sump setup and return back into both tanks?
Yes, you can do that. Both overflows go into the sump and have 1 pump split into 2 return lines with a valve on each to control how much flow goes to each tank.

A 10g is pretty small, so make sure you keep the water low enough so when the power goes out or you shut the pump down you won't flood the sump from the water coming back from the tanks.
That is what has me nervous. I live in an small apartment and definitely dont want to overflow it. Maybe I can get a metro shelf to the side so I can have a bigger sump tank. Is there a formula to figure out how many gallons per hour I would need to move. I do have a 500 gph mag 5 pump but I think it is too much flow for this little of system.
500 gph pump isn't too much. It will be less once you calculate in head loss and you can also use a ball valve to cut the flow down as well. I use a 900 gph pump on my 28 gallon tank
The general rule of thumb for flow thru a sump is aprox 5x-10x the tanks water volume. If you have 40g total, you want 200-400 gph thru the sump. Once you take head loss into consideration, the Mag 5 will work fine.
it all depends on what overflow box you get if you get 2 500gph overflow boxes just dont run any mor than 500gph to the tank if you run more than what they are rated for than it will overflow the tanks.. get like a 800 gph pump and put two ball valves one for each pipe to the tanks from the pump that way you can turn the water flow down. or run two seperate pumps
So would the one protein skimmer be enough to skim the display and frag tank. I have really been looking at the SWC 120 cone. I really likes it and have heard good reviews
I was thinking about making my own PVC overflow. I still need to figure what size piping I should use. I started with 3/4" PVC but didn't look like it could take in the overflow. I am going to be setting up some buckets at my dad's garage before actually running water thrrought the system at my apartment. That way I can work all the bugs out!
that is just something i would not want to take the chance on. if you happen to loose power and loose the siphon and the power comes back on it will flood the tank most overflow boxes are made so that it is very rare that they loose their siphon