sump question


Reefing newb
Going to look at a sump for my 75 tomorrow and was wondering if there was a chance that it may be too big? Its coming off of a 140 gallon and the guy said it may be too big. It will fit under the tank but didnt know if it may take more out of the water then what I bargained for? Or is bigger the better?
The bigger the better. The only size constraint you will have when it comes to a sump is whether it will fit underneath your stand. It's not the size of the sump that determines how much water is taken from your tank, that's determined by the size of the return pump that you buy.
Ok thanks! I dont fully understand the whole sump thing yet. I dont get how the water going to the sump is timed with the water pumping out? If that made any sense at all. Do you get like a pump to pull the water out and a skimmer to put the water back in? I know I sound like an idiot but ive been trying to figure it out.
The water to the sump is supplied via siphon (that 9 times out of 10 you'll create-- be prepared to suck some saltwater lol) unless you buy an overflow box with a self prime. I struggled with this at first as well, what I can tell you is you can control the level of the sump by adjusting the height of the overflow box- try to find the sweet spot (mine is with the water in the main tank level smack dab in the middle of the cut out slots on your overflow box) Good luck
the overflow box will maintain a continous syphon to the sump. It will only flow as much as the return pump can pump back up, as long as you don't exceed the maximum flow rating for the overflow box. as an example the average overflow box is rated for 600 gallons per hour (gph) of flow. so, buy a pump that flows that or less (prefferably a little less) and it will keep itself balanced out and won't flood you're house. here's a neat little animation of a sump and overflow in the works and melev's reef. | Acrylic Sumps & Refugiums