Sump ideas


Reefing newb
I'm looking to build a sump/fuge for my 55. I was thinking 20L but after some measurements looks like that will be to wide. 10 inches (width) is all I'm working with. Can I use two 10g? Anyone had any experience doing this? Thanks for the help
A 10 is pretty small for a sump/fuge. You won't have any room to work with. Is the problem the space under your tank or cabinet, or what? maybe we can come up with an idea
Yes the space uner my cabinet. It's 12 inches but the support beams cut it to 10. length and height are a non issue plenty of room there.

Not sure if my wife would like the sump in the kitchen Biff..LOL
I'm limited to the space under my tank.
Head to Walmart and see if you can find a rubbermade container that is larger than the tank you were thinking of, but shaped odd enough to fit under there!
If you have one center support now, install two more. One at each end of where the 20 will sit, and then you can remove the center brace.
That is so redneck Biff!! I like it..LOL
I'll check at wally world and see what they have.

I could always try to build one from scratch. I'm pretty handy but never worked with glass before.
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Redneck? This is a picture of my sump setup using two plastic tubs from Walmart! You call this redneck?!?! I call this effective and badass!

LMAO.. That is badass.. Still redneck though. Calling something redneck is not a bad thing Biff. I get called one just about everyday.
:bowdown:ARE YOU KID-N ME? that is as REDNECK as it get's cinder block's, hole's in drywall.ROFLMAO.. AND IS THAT A "PEPSI " BOTTLE?? YEA BABY.hey creativity is a nice way of saying REDNECK..
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