Substrate MM sizes


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Yeah so I was almost ready to buy this Caribsea but noticed it is only like 1mm.

Isn't that a little fine to be using for the tank?

I thought my TBS sand was the reason my Nitrates will not get down to 0 but D2mini has the same sand and he has 0 Nitrates.

I wanted to use a nice light colored substrate this time because the TBS get a lot of algae growing on the larger pieces of sand/rock. I like the way it gets pink and purple pieces but I am trying to get it cleaner.

I may use some for decoration but I want the CUC to have an easy time sifting the sand but I keep reading how the 1mm sand it to small.

Like the Oolite is so small but I love the color.

I was also thinking of just getting dry aragonite and not getting the live junk anyway. I think it comes a little bigger.
Oolithic sand sucks. I've spent hours playing with the flow in my tank, and for the life of me I cannot keep it from blowing around the tank and clouding the water.

If the thought of replacing it all wasnt so daunting, I'd replace the oolithic I have (it came from Marco Rocks) for something with a larger grain. As it stands, the part that blows the worst is likely getting a little bit of crushed coral put on top of it to keep it from blowing
I keep hearing Fiji Pink is good. A lot of stores keep recommending it.

I have the same sand now as D2Mini and was going to put a little on top in some places.