stray voltage in aquarium

im frustrated cant find another fish tonight. when I bought it from the store they called it a dragon sifter. Not sure what the technical name is. All he eats is off the sand. cant find him. discouraged.
What the heck do people do for a living in Safford, AZ, I wonder?
That's East of Casa Grande isn't it?

Safford is waaaaaaay east, north of Willcox in between Tucson and Phoenix -- closer to the NM border. School officials strip search little girls looking for ibuprofin in Safford. Famous case, it went all the way to the Supreme Court recently. That's what Safford is known for!
LOL!!!!! I work for Shamrock Foods (SALES REP) .
So I found him. DEAD another one bites the dust. All i have left is emerald crab pep. shrimp two clowns and a few small corals. Sun coral is looking really good though. what do you all think.