Strawberry Crab


Reef pro
Scientific name - Neoliomera pubescens

Family – Xanthidae

Common name – Strawberry, Red Boxing Crab

Max Size – 2 in (5 cm)

Range: Indo-Pacific, Hawaii, French Polynesia, Mauritius

Care Level – Easy

Temperament – Semi-aggressive

Foods and feeding – This crab will scavenge food from the aquarium but will appreciate offerings of small meaty foods.

Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements

Aquarium suitability -

Reef compatibility – No

Captive care – This crab is an opportunistic predator and will go after fish. Usually it will just scavenge for debris in the aquarium and eat algae. Crabs are extremely sensitive to nitrates and copper and small amounts will kill them
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