Strange white coating


Reefing newb
This seemingly hard white substance has starting growing on some of my rock. Any ideas what it is?

Right in the center of the frame:

As you can see in this shot it is covering a big chunk of rock:
Hmm ok. Can it be delayed? It was definitely exposed to the air for about 30 minutes, but that was last Sunday.
Coralline needs good alk and calcium levels. During water changes I like to baste it with water every 30 seconds and it does help keep it from dying.
btw x19 those are some pretty clear pics cant wait to see some of the fish and other thing that go in your tank.

Yep, hoping to add my first coral tomorrow and I've got some Zoas coming from Cageburn on Monday. Incidentally, I've got a Nikon D90 dslr but these pictures were taken with my iPhone 4 :-)
Yep, hoping to add my first coral tomorrow and I've got some Zoas coming from Cageburn on Monday. Incidentally, I've got a Nikon D90 dslr but these pictures were taken with my iPhone 4 :-)

Then you dont need the Nikon. I will pick it up from you... When is a good time? :mrgreen:

Nice pics though. I wish my 5+ year old point and shoot took pictures that clear