Strange Object


Reefing newb
Hey Guys,

So this morning I noticed this small straw like object sticking up from the sand in my tank. Thinking it was nothing I just left it. Well I came home today and its now on the other side of the tank. So once again curiosity got the best of me and I brushed off the sand around it. Much to my surprise there was a MASSIVE snail in the sand about the size of a golf ball. I haven't put any snails in my tank so it was kind of a nice surprise but I don't no what it could possible be and it buried itself again before I could take a picture.

Its really large, like I said about the size of a golf ball with a while shell and dark brown spots all over it. Any ideas?
How big is massive?

Since nobody gets good nassarius snails as hitchhikers.I pretty sure it is a predator whelk.Now might be good time to get rid of it.
Alright so still no luck getting a picture that you can see anything in but it came out of the sand again....friend thinks its a butterscotch snail .... does that mean anything to anyone on here lol :shock:
Its gonna be hard to say for sure without a pic.But I'd drop it in the sump until a positive ID was made,just to be on the safe side.