strange behavior


Reefing newb
The flameback angel i got a month ago is acting all weird now... he hasnt eaten the last few times i fed the tank, and now you can tell he's "skinny" When i feed the tank though, he comes out all excited and goes up to every piece of food loating around and gets real close to it and then swims away.. he doesnt get picked on anymore, but he did in the beginning when he was first added.

Also, a lot of times he goes to these 2 nooks in the rocks and just puts his head in there and swims in place.

Any ideas? What can i do to have him eat?? I feed myesis and that angel and butterfly food, both with Kent garlic.
i just checked and trites/trates and ammonia are all 0 and ph is 8.4

And yes all the other fish are fine, eating and acting normal.
The Good doctors say "
The diet of the African Flameback Angelfish should include Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other meaty foods."

Have you tried any dried seaweed sheets soaked in garlic.
you could also try cyclops or cyclopeeze these foods sometimes enchorage picky fish to eat. You might just have a picky fish.
Biff might be onto something there.
Sometimes we forget that fish can and do have internal parasites.Maybe he needs a good de-worming.
what could i do if he has a parasite? QT and medicate with what?? Also, can fish come out of an internal parasite on their own or are they doomed without qt
All animals,including fish have internal parasites.But at times,those parasites end up killing their host.
To treat for em,you can use either Metronidazole or PraziPro.
are either of those sold at LFS or do you have to buy them online?? Also, if i set up a 10 gal with a heater and a powerhead would that be enough? Like if i have no lights or anything else?
Most LFS will carry those.If your store dont have them,ask about ParaGuard.
And a little 10 gallon will be fine for a treatment tank.Just a heater,cheap HOB filter,and few pieces of PVC pipe should do the trick.
If it was voltage,it'd effect everything in the tank.I'd think that inverts would be more sensitive and show signs of stress before the fish would.But thats just my 2 cents worth.
well the flameback died... bummer... but now im worried about my other fish. Can parasites spread? I know they all have them in their gut, but can any harm come from the dead flameback? He died in a really akward spot where i couldnt reach it without taking half the rocks apart, and by the time i saw it, it was already half eated by my emerald crabs/snails/hermits and my starfish was having its way with it so i didnt even try to take it out, i figured it would get eaten up anyway.
That sux.Sorry to hear that.
I doubt whatever caused it will kill anything else.If it was going to,I think you'd already be seeing signs of stress in em.