Stomatella Snails

I dont know where to put this but im shy :( i wanted to post this becuase i did a little research from almost every website. Here Goes:

Stomatella snails are small fast-moving snails that look more like slugs than regular snails, although they do have small
flat shells
They are 100% reef safe.
They are 100% reef safe. Stomatella snails grow to be less than an inch (2.5 cm), and Stomatella varia will typically stay
smaller than ¾ inch (1.9 cm). Stomatella snails come in a wide variety of colors from darker color such as grey, black and
green to softer color such as orange and pinkish.
Stomatella snails are mainly night active but can be out and about in the day time as well. The best time to observe them
is during the night using a flashlight. When your snails are most active depends on the exact species of Stomatella snail
you keep in your aquarium.
they are herbivores that will help control micro algae growth. They should not be kept with wrasses such as the four and
six line wrasse or certain shrimps like the peppermint shrimp as these predators might eat the snails and be able to
quickly decimate a population.
Stomatella snails are just like all other snails very sensitive towards copper and you should not use copper based
medications in an aquarium containing these or other snails. There is a large risk that the snails will die and
pollute the water.
Stomatella snails are easy to breed and will spawn spontaneously if they are kept in a well established marine tank.
All Stomatella snails of the same species will spawn at the same time. They usually spawn during the day when they crawl
to a high point in the aquarium. They then release egg and milt directly into the water were fertilization takes place.
You can sometime see how the water suddenly becomes cloudy in a tank containing Stomatella snails as a result of their
spawning. This is nothing to worry about and will clear up relatively quickly. Some fish and filter feeders will eat the
milt and eggs. Stomatella snails only very seldom multiply enough to become a nuisance. Established populations can be
taxed hard without a lasting impact on the population if you want to sell some of your excess snails.

A Little More:

Scientific name - Stomatella varia
Family – Mullusca
Common name – Stomatella Snail
Max Size – 2.5 CM in
Range: Live Rock (HitchHiker)
Care Level – Easy
Temperament – None
Foods and feeding – Micro-Algaes
Supplements - None
Aquarium suitability -
Reef compatibility – Yes
Captive care – Stomatella snails are just like all other snails very sensitive towards copper and you should not use copper based
medications in an aquarium containing these or other snails. There is a large risk that the snails will die and
pollute the water.

k Bye :helm2:
Forgot the pic :grumble:
