Spending quality time with my friends


I failed Kobayashi Maru
I spent a few satisfying hours with both my tanks yesterday :) Did water changes, pulled out the powerheads and overflows and cleaned them, cleaned both skimmers, pushed salt that had creeped out back into the sump....the water and inhabitants are lookin' more vibrant now! How satisfying!


I admit...I hadn't spent as much time doing maintenance the past month. In fact, I hadn't changed the water in my 45g in a month and a half *shame*...the fuge pretty much kept my nitrates at a constant 0. I was only changing out my 10 gallon. But with all the construction in the basement where the fishtanks are, I wasn't feelin' the maintenance vibe. But we finished the flooring, cleaned up the mess, and so I jumped right back into my tanks. And boy do my tanks look awesome again!

All is well with the universe!
im always very happy and disappointed in myself when I finally clean everything and make it look nice again. Its hard to stay inside and work on the tanks when its warm and nice outside. Don't feel bad we all go through it this time of year. Even the LFS's comment that business really slows down in spring and fall.
good to hear! I just moved into a new place and have to go thru the pain of setting everything up from scratch :frustrat:
Sounds like you had a GOOD day Wonton.
I usually tinker with my tank at night,after I get home and settled down from the day.